Saturday, February 13, 2016

NGC 891

This beautiful edge-on unbarred spiral galaxy is about how our own Milky Way would look from an edge-on perspective.  Curiously, if there was an observer looking at our galaxy from this one, they wouldn't be able to see us since that dark dusky lane that runs down the long axis would block light coming from us.  

NGC 891 - Photo Details
January 29, 2016
Orion 8" Astrograph on VX Mount
SBIG STF-8300C Camera
Baader MPC Mark III Multi-Purpose Coma Corrector
Skyglow filter
59 subframes at 3 minutes/frame
Total Exposure Time = 2 hours 57 Minutes
Image Acquisition in CCDOps
Image Stacking in Deep Sky Tracker
Image Processing in PhotoShop

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