Monday, February 15, 2016

IC 434 - Horsehead Nebula & NGC 2024 Flame Nebula

This image is my new personal favorite.  The names speak for themselves, though the names can't hope to capture the majesty of this scene.  As Dr. Ellie Arroway once said, "They should have sent a poet."

The Flame Nebula is being fueled by the intense star above it, Alnitak, an is an active star forming region.  The Horsehead is known as a dark nebula and what we see is actually a swirling cloud of dust and gases that contrast stunningly with the backdrop of ionized hydrogen gas behind it.  

IC 434 (Soul Nebula) & NGC 2024 (Flame Nebula)
Photo Details
February 11, 2016
Orion 8" Astrograph on VX Mount
SBIG STF-8300C Camera
Baader MPC Mark III Multi-Purpose Coma Corrector
Skyglow filter
43 subframes at 3 minutes/frame
Total Exposure Time = 1 hour 54 minutes
Image Acquisition in CCDOps
Image Stacking in Deep Sky Tracker
Image Processing in PhotoShop

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