Saturday, January 28, 2017

Messier 36

Messier 36 is the smallest of three star clusters in the constellation Auriga.  Though small, it is one of the prettiest with nice arrangements of stars spiraling out from the center.  Lying about 4,300 light years away, astronomers estimate it's age at 20 to 40 million years which is relatively young on the cosmic time scale.  The main cluster consists of predominantly bluish-white stars, but can you see the many reddish stars adorning the edges?  

Photo Details
January 24, 2017
Orion 8" Astrograph on VX Mount
SBIG STF-8300C Camera
Baader MPC Mark III Multi-Purpose Coma Corrector
Skyglow filter
34 subframes at 3 minutes/frame
Total Exposure Time = 1 hours 42 minutes
Image Acquisition in CCDOps
Image Stacking in Deep Sky Tracker
Image Processing in PhotoShop

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