Wednesday, March 9, 2016

NGC 2903

NGC 2903 is a fine example of a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Leo.  The bluish clusters scattered along the spirals are young groups of stars while the pinkish areas are active star forming regions.  It's amazing to see creation in action, though the light is coming to us from 20 million years ago.  We'll have to wait another 20 million years to see what it looks like today. Ouch...That's one of those ideas that makes my head spin.

Photo Details
February 27, 2016
Orion 8" Astrograph on VX Mount
SBIG STF-8300C Camera
Baader MPC Mark III Multi-Purpose Coma Corrector
Skyglow filter
46 subframes at 3 minutes/frame
Total Exposure Time = 2 hours 18 minutes
Image Acquisition in CCDOps
Image Stacking in Deep Sky Tracker
Image Processing in PhotoShop

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