Monday, June 17, 2013

1st Quarter Moon in June

First quarter moon shot on June 15th.  It's a beautiful sight when the moon is less than full, especially along the terminator, where the craters are really evident.  A common misconception is that it is the Earth's shadow that creates the phases of the moon.  However, it depends entirely on our viewing angle as a function of where we are relative to the moon.  The graphic below shows it pretty clearly...
Photo Details
1st Quarter Moon
June 15, 2013
Orion 8" Astrograph on VX Mount
Nikon D3100 Camera in RAW
20 frames at 1/1600"
ISO 1600
1 Dark Frame
Images converted from RAW to TIF in XnView
Images stacked in Registax 6
Final processing in Photoshop