Friday, July 19, 2013

Wave at Saturn

At 4:27 PM today, NASA aimed one of the Cassini cameras from the opposite side of Saturn, back toward the Sun and Us!  We gathered outside to get in the photo!  Sky and Telescope has a pretty good article about it (Wave at Saturn).  We of course made signs and put on some bright clothing so we could see ourselves.  We will post images from NASA as they become available.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Night Sky

Sometimes there is really nothing better than simply gazing up at the beautiful night sky.  We had a few clear nights while visiting my hometown in Wisconsin.  My parents live away from town and though there is a little sky-glow, it is one of my favorite spots to just look up.  I took these two photos on the same night.  One of them has a hint of the Milky Way rising and the other an airplane and a shooting star.  Can you find identify each?